#3 – Today’s post takes us to Texas

It’s fun going back and re-reading posts over the year and remembering that particular day as though it were yesterday. This is one of those days. However, for it being the third most read post of the year, I wonder if it was the headline that caught everyone’s attention. It certainly isn’t one of the better ones – no pictures and very short. Maybe I should learn from this 🙂

Today’s post, “We gambled and won – for once!”,  takes place  in Burkburnett, TX. We had just finished the last acres of wheat and then it rained. Maybe it would be good to look back at the posting prior to this one to better understand – “Something’s going on with the sun”


Countdown to the #1 read post in 2012

It’s been pretty busy around the Z household for the past week. I feel bad about pushing my writing to the side – but only just a little. I’ve been spending time with Christmas preparations, kids and activities of the season. One day soon, things will get back to normal and I can dedicate more time to my blog. For now, though, I’ve decided I will share with you the top four posts of 2012. The #1 posting will be shared with you on January 1, 2013 – a brand new year with brand new memories to capture.

Today, though, we are heading to Omaha for a movie, Lincoln, and supper out with the family. Can’t wait to see this movie (and spend the evening with my family – including my brother, Matt)!

The #4 most read blog of 2012 – “Right now…I HATE harvest!”

Struggling with the “Why’s” of the CT shooting

Why? Why must there be such horrible, horrible things happen in this world? And why to innocent children? Yesterday, as I was driving to the elementary school to sub in the preschool, my thoughts drifted to the events of Friday. My day was beginning like any other day…a normal day. The kids and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary began their day on Friday as a normal day, too. It suddenly took a turn for the worse…with no warning. How was mine going to end? A normal day?   20121218-181925A sunrise…something we take for granted.

My heart aches for each family member suffering from the pain of losing someone they dearly loved. The magnitude of emotions they are trying to deal with is incomprehensible to me! Continue reading

Most recent school lunch guidelines are NOT what they appear!

I saw this article recently posted on my Facebook page regarding the school lunch guidelines, “USDA to allow more meat, grains in school lunches”. I also read where our Nebraska State Senator Mike Johanns was partially responsible for other positive moves towards a change in the strict guidelines and I felt like maybe the outcry had made a difference. Hmm…that’s what you get for ASSUMING! We all know what happens when we assume something.

Now, I’ve seen two blogs regarding the most recent information and it’s not what it seems. Go figure! The following are portions of the blogs with a link to each one. Now I am, once again, convinced the government agencies and the people responsible for the changes in the first place think they have pulled a fast one on us! In the words of my all time favorite…the ever so wise President Abe Lincoln:

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

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It’s What ANY Momma Bear Would Do!

The kids of Kansas have hit the “big time” once again! This time, the video that’s being talked about and has gone viral is a parody on the changes to the school lunch program…thanks to our First Lady, Michelle Obama, and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. I find the name of the bill rather contradictory – “Hunger Free”. This was created to help with the growing epidemic of overweight kids. My kids aren’t overweight – they’re hungry! How can anyone believe our school lunches are making our kids overweight? What about the kids who count on this one meal to get them through their day?

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An Endangered Species?

For some “down” time, I sometimes like to hit the “Random Post” link on my blog. It’s always fun to see what we were doing on that particular random day.  If someone is with me, I like to reread the posting to them to spark a memory of where we were and what we were doing. Sort of like playing a game. This particular posting is one I feel could be thought of on a daily basis and wanted to share the game with you, my readers:

I’ve been trying to keep up with the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance Facebook page www.facebook.com/USFarmersandRanchers. However, every time I visit to see what’s being talked about, I just get mad!

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Thankful (for you) Thursday

Today is the day to show thanks for something or someone with a picture or post.

If I had a picture of each of you who faithfully read my blog, I would dedicate this post to you…all of you…with that picture!

I started this blog just a little more than a year ago not knowing what I was doing (I’m STILL learning) and wondering if this would be anything more than just a way to share my thoughts.

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Trent’s Interview with Sec of Ag

I had the opportunity to meet Trent Loos at the U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc. convention last March. Trent is a true American, a cowboy and a fellow Nebraskan. The school lunch program and its requirements have been in the news lately. Trent’s interview with Secretary Of Ag, Tom Vilsack, was very interesting to me. Thank you, Trent, for asking the hard questions and challenging the Secretary with the USDA’s requirements and nonsense regulations! The recorded conversation can be found here: http://www.rodeoattitude.com/facesofag/2012/08/20/vegan-culture-alive-and-well-at-usda-secretary-vilsack-answers-question/

FREE Curriculum-Where Does Our Food Come From?

U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc. is one of 105 partners with the Alliance to Feed the Future. The following description of the organization was found on their website -:http://www.alliancetofeedthefuture.org/

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Wordless Wednesday: The Z Crew

Zeorian Harvesting & Trucking 2012 (missing Curt & Jamie – DANG!)