While we were still in our waiting-for-the-ground-to-dry period, Jim surprised me with a trip to the mountains. We left Friday afternoon and got back early evening on Tuesday. I’ll have more to share about that when I can get caught up on the piles sitting all around me. For now, though, the Beast is eating wheat again and that’s a good thing! Most everyone you visit with here will tell you they’ve never experienced anything quite like the rain we had. Jim’s been a bit worried about what the ground was going to be like – rightfully so – but we’re moving along quite well. Just to make sure we didn’t need it, we brought the tow rope to the field with us. And, so far so good!
We finished with the acres that we left before the rains set in and moved to a few more that we hadn’t been counting on. If nothing blows up (as Jim always says), it looks like we could be finished with Jordan by the end of the day. What’s next? I’m going to guess the big clean up and move home. Who knows, though, maybe there’s a plan different from ours. Stay tuned…
And those Montana sunsets!