“The day” finally arrived – the day Jim and Charlie decided they’d test the wheat’s moisture. That was yesterday.
Welcome Back Home – to Jordan!
We made it to Jordan! The heat is on!!! It was 104 on Tuesday and 102 yesterday. The forecast is more of the same for the next several days.
I figured with the heat, we’d get right back in the field but that’s not what happened. Jim’s anticipating today will be the day. After so much time of being away from the wheat field, trucks and combine, it will be hard to get back into the swing of things. The routine was broken before July 4th.
The trip from Lusk to Jordan was uneventful. It was horribly warm but we were fortunate not to have any truck engine or tire issues. Taylor thought the dually was running a little on the hot side and volunteered to drive without the air conditioning. I’m not sure, but I think she may have broke down and turned it on just outside of Belle Fourche, SD.
Vacation’s Over – On the Road Again!
Our final night with the Graham’s a year ago.
Just a brief note to update you on our whereabouts. Still in Lusk…but not for long!
A Recap of the Last Two Days
We made it to Lusk, WY early this evening. The trip from Jordan to Limon and back to Lusk was uneventful even though we had Friday the 13th to think about.The heat was cranked on high but since I wasn’t pulling anything, I had the luxury of air conditioning.
Wednesday night (after leaving Jordan) we made it as far as the parking lot of Walmart in Scottsbluff.
Lunch and a Cattle Sale
The Old Grey Goose Is Dead
(This was written Monday evening after we stopped for the day) Today started out early. I was up at 4:30 for a conference call at 5:00. It’s now 11:04 p.m. In between these two times, we have left Limon, CO and are spending the night in Lusk, WY.
Taylor helping Jim by making sure the Nasty didn’t drag as it was being driven on the trailer.
Maroon Bells or Bust!
The girls and I made it to the mountains! Jim opted to stay back and work on equipment. This gave us some great mom/daughter time to hang out and have fun. And…have fun we did!
Making the Best of a Crummy Situation
I left off one place on my list of “Where We’ve Been on the Fourth of July” – Hobbs, NM. How in the world could I have forgotten that place? Maybe because it’s a memory I choose to block? 🙂
Jenna and Taylor made it back just about 4:00 on the afternoon of the Fourth. It was so good to see them!! When Jenna walked into the cottage, she said it felt weird not walking into our “old” trailer. The other thing she said she expected to see when she drove up was Jordan – our dog. Guess those two pieces of harvest have remained in her brain. This is the second summer Jenna hasn’t been with us. Jamie hasn’t been with us since 2004.
Jenna explaining something about one of her excursions
I had most of the food preparations completed when they got here so I didn’t have to feel like I had to cook when they walked in. The only question left was, “Are you going to make your Rice Krispie flag, Jen?” She smiled and said, “Of course! And I’ve even brought my own supplies” – which she did. Every detail was covered even down to a pan.
So we had our traditional meal ready to go: grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, pasta salad, beans, chips, cherry pie and Jenna’s Krispie flag.
Leon and Jada Bulgin had finished cutting their wheat and decided since they’d worked so hard, they were going to take a few days off while they were in Colorado. Their crew headed to Denver the afternoon of the 4th and they decided they’d rather stay in Limon. So, we gathered our food and added it to theirs and had quite the smorgasbord! The only thing missing were the fireworks. ABSOLUTELY NO fireworks were allowed in this state. I’m sure there were displays in Denver and the surrounding communities but none in Limon. It was the quietest holiday celebration ever. If Jordan were still alive, she would have loved it.
Jada had bought some party poppers and I bought some light sticks with an American flag on the end. So, we did have something fun to make it feel like a party. Happy 236th Birthday, America!
Yesterday, the girls and I went to Flagler for a couple of hours. They have a couple of fun antique/thrift stores to browse through. Jenna found an old Flamingo brand ice cooler for $5. Taylor found a couple of DVD’s she thought we should add to our collection.
It was a fairly uneventful day which was made complete with a supper engagement with one of our farmers, Steve, and his wife, Kathy. We had a wonderful evening! They have become great friends and I will really miss working with/for them. Things change but I feel confident these people will remain in our lives – somehow.
The next couple of days, we’re going to become tourists. We’re going to pack our tent and necessities and head for the mountains for a couple of days. Jenna will have to head home on Sunday and then we’ll have to start making the trek northward. And…the weather forecast is calling for rain in the mountains. Oh well. Ya gotta make the best of it!
Celebrating the 4th “Wheatie” Style
Picture taken by Taylor in 2011