It was a year ago today that I took the giant leap into the world of blog. I hope those of you who take the time to read about our harvest journey find it enjoyable. Most of all, though, I hope it gives you a better idea of the custom harvest lifestyle and how our industry is a vital link between the field and market. Thank you for your encouraging words and comments!! They give me incentive to continue telling the story.
We are also celebrating the return of Jenna. She flew into Great Falls this morning. It worked out that we all were able to make the trip to pick her up. She was only expecting Taylor and Callie so it was fun to surprise her. While at the airport, we ran into a couple of our favorite MacDon guys – Karl and Paul. Who woulda thought! They had closed up the MacDon harvest support truck for another harvest and were headed home.
The rest of the day is going to be spent showing the girls some of the fine Central Montana beauty.

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