Not sure how we got ‘er all done, but the festivities certainly made the weekend go much faster than I like. It all began Friday night with Jamie, Jenna and Callie. Last summer, Jamie had sent me a link for a “Living Social” coupon from the Slattery Vintage Estates winery and I thought it sounded like it would be something worth purchasing and taking advantage of. The deadline for the coupon was ever so sneakily creeping closer and closer so we decided to partake in our cheese,crackers and wine tasting adventure. We were missing Taylor. She is the HS girls basketball student manager and was at a ball game. It was a LOVELY evening. It got even better as we were leaving – the owner of the winery asked if I was the older SISTER. That was definitely a boost for the ‘ole ego!

P.S. Callie was NOT drinking wine. She was enjoying an icy cold Pepsi in her souvenir wine glass.

My poor starving children.

Jamie giving us her famous “Jamie” look.

Me and Jame.
Jenna, Me and Callie
Slattery Vintage Estates winery is a beautiful place – inside and out. In the summer, they offer some fancy tents to spend the night in, featuring wonderful old antiques. I think it would be quite the adventure hanging out there on a summer evening – as long as it wasn’t 102 with 90% humidity and lots of bugs.
On Saturday morning, I got up and drove the High School Art Club to Omaha (in the school bus) to tour the Joslyn Art Museum and the Latino Museum in South Omaha. I had never been to the Joslyn before. I’ve been to more art museums this year than I have in my entire life. In February, Jim and I were at the Louvre. In December, I very briefly walked through the National Art Museum in DC. Omaha’s Joslyn is not as big (of course) as the other two but it’s a very nice art museum. I was excited to see a couple Charles M. Russell paintings and also Currier and Ives. My harvest Grandma was the one who introduced me to both of these artists. Seeing them immediately took me back to a time and place when I was much younger. I appreciate the fact that Grandma passed the love of so many of her favorite things to me. The funny part is, I wasn’t even aware of it when it was happening.

Taylor just inside the door of the Joslyn.

“The Weeders”
Charlie Russell painting – A Montana resident.

Taylor and I in front of the Joslyn.
When we got home from Omaha, about 3:00, the day wasn’t over yet. Callie and I decided we’d get her room painted. So, we have been painting a little here and little there with hopes of finishing before basketball practice starts (10th of Jan.). So, when I got home, I changed clothes and headed upstairs with her to paint a while. We had a little bit of time before needing to head to Mark and Candi’s for Brook’s 8th birthday party. When it was time, Cal and I cleaned up our paint brushes, changed clothes once again and headed to the Rathe’s house for supper. As usual, Mark put out a spectacular “feed” and we all ate till we were ready to burst. The little kids, though, were having way too much fun to waste much time eating!
Happy birthday, Brook! Brook was showing us the matching nightgown she and her doll shared. CUTE!

Taylor and her beau, Nick.
This is what birthday parties are all about!

After church on Sunday, Callie and I once again changed our clothes and headed upstairs to paint for a while before it was time to go party once again. This time, we would be celebrating Jim’s mom’s 88th birthday. We gathered for pizza and birthday cake. I think she enjoyed her day! This is the same woman who was struggling so very hard to breathe on Thanksgiving morning and ended up spending several days in ICU. She’s recovered quite nicely!

The gang!

Mom and her grandkids – notice…ALL GIRLS – except for her great-grandson.
Added the grandson-in-laws.

And now, her kids – Jim and Maureen. and me and Harv.

Jim and his big sis, Maureen.
Happy Birthday to Mom Z. and Brooklyn! We celebrated being 8 and being 88. It’s always fun celebrating a birthday and eating birthday cake!
AND, Callie and I got her room finished!
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