Jamie told me a couple of days ago she had lined up a personal tour of the CLAAS of Omaha plant with Jenna.
Jenna started working for CLAAS quite some time ago. I grew up respecting someone’s place of employment which meant don’t visit unless there’s a need and don’t call unless there’s an emergency. So, when Jamie told me she was going to visit Jenna at work, I thought…”well, heck, if she’s going maybe I’ll tag along too”. If Jamie hadn’t gone, I may have felt like I couldn’t visit until another group of custom harvesters made their way to the plant.
Taylor inside the truck looking for Jim’s glasses.
Everything about this accident could have and should have been so much worse than it was! It’s been a little more than three days ago that I received a call from Jim’s phone which wasn’t really Jim. Instead of hearing Jim’s voice, I heard the voice of a stranger telling me he was with Jim and they were taking him to the hospital.
This is the update that I’m sure many of you who follow my blog are waiting for.
I was sitting at the computer working on something…now I can’t even remember what it was. Whatever it was, it was important. The phone rang and I saw that it was Jim.
He was running later than he had been for the end of the day but that’s not unusual when he starts his “real job” during the winter months. When I answered the phone, I expected him to tell me he was held up somewhere and then explain why he was later than usual.
What I didn’t expect was an unfamiliar voice on the other end trying to explain to me who he was and why this foreign voice was using my husband’s phone. Continue reading
Jim and I were able to visit the WWII memorial while in Washington DC last December. He always wished he could have gotten his dad there to view the memorial erected to honor him and his fellow war heroes.
I had a different idea for a post than the one you are about to read. I intended on sharing our weekend of camping. This will have to wait for a few days.
CAUTION! This is a lengthy – but fun – post!
It’s actually been 10 days ago that I shared with you the happenings of the Zeorian household. When I left off on the 21st, we were about to begin an adventure at a local State Park. Plans changed. Instead, we packed a lunch and headed to the “Eagle’s Nest”. The Eagle’s Nest was built quite a few years ago – when Jamie and Jenna were much smaller. Then came along Taylor and Callie. Now… it’s Brooklyn and Jillian’s turn to play and imagine and have fun.
While we were driving home in September, I had time to listen to a lot of radio from Montana to Nebraska, back to Montana and then back to Nebraska again. Something that really hit a chord with me involved the changes to the school lunch program. I shared a couple of Trent Loos’ blogs (blog #1 and blog #2) and also shared with you my opinion in my blog titled “It’s What ANY Momma Bear Would Do”.
Harvest Public Media posted a couple of questions on their Twitter account recently relating to the changes in the school lunch program. I answered them by telling them how the changes have affected our family. I received a phone call from Grant Gerlock with NET Radio asking me if I would be willing to help him with an article on how these portion cutbacks are affecting my children. I agreed. Grant came to our house last Thursday to record my answers. He also went to our school and interviewed our district superintendent (Thank you, Dan!). The outcome was a story published by Harvest Public Media, “School lunch changes create meaty issue”, and by NET Radio, “Slimmer School Lunches Struggle To Fit In”. The radio interview can be listened to at both sites.
Some days seem so much fuller than others! Mine have been more full than usual since Friday. So full that checking in with my blog and my blog friends has been tough to squeeze in. I’m going to take a few minutes before the next half of the day begins and we’re off on another adventure.
I agreed to have Brooklyn and Jillian spend the weekend with us while mom and dad went to the NASCAR race in Kansas City quite a while ago. What I didn’t have planned when I agreed to that was the amount of bus time I’d also be putting in at the same time.
About 9:45 last night, Taylor and Callie remembered they were supposed to create Anti-Bullying posters for their school hallways because October is Anti-Bullying Month. They were fortunate the “broom closet” held a few pieces of poster board! Living 25 miles from the big city and it being that late at night were two strikes against their last-minute options. Through all the anxious moments of trying to figure out what they were going to do and what was going to be written on the posters, I had to ask the question, “What is the Anti-Bullying movement all about?” Taylor says, “Look it up. You’ll find all kinds of stuff about it”. So I did.
” Bullying is the most common form of violence in schools(verbally and physically) – One incident of bullying every seven minutes; – It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school everyday due to the fear of attack or intimidation by other students – 2 out of 3 teens are verbally or physically harassed every year. – 58% of teens have had hurtful things said to them online and over 40% say it’s happened more than once.” (DoSomething.org)