playing an unfamiliar game

Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

We live in a world where answers to questions are found quickly and conveniently at our fingertips. If you’re ever wondering about something or have questions about something…Google it. I’ve been unknowingly playing a game that I’m not familiar with. I’ve probably been subjected to it many times throughout my life but haven’t been aware until recently there is a name to this game. It’s called bullying.

The personality of a bully is one that I don’t understand. Their game is one that my brain can’t seem to wrap itself around let alone know how to play because I don’t know the rules. You see, I don’t understand why or how someone can purposely hurt another. Why it feels so good to tear someone down or make them look like someone they’re not. I don’t understand a mind that wants to make themselves look bigger and more powerful at the expense of others. I don’t understand the mind of a bully.

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the path i have chosen


I’m headed back home after being in DC this past week. I finally have a bit of time to myself to reflect on the past couple of weeks (actually months) and I find myself wondering where in the world the time went. How could it already be the first week of February? This makes me think about what I have traded my days for.

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meet little miss nora grace

IMG_0601“Hi Mama! It’s nice to finally see your beautiful face!” (picture credit to Auntie Taylor)

I’ve got one hour. One hour before the entire year of 2014 is in the history books.

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and then it rained

Continued from previous post, that bed has NEVER felt so good

We moved to location #4 on Tuesday the 12th – a little further away from Jordan, again. We just keep moving further and further west. The further west we move, the closer to the “Breaks” we get. The “Breaks” would be the Missouri River Breaks. These are pine tree-lined buttes along the Missouri River – the very same buttes Lewis and Clark would have seen so many years ago. The prairie just drops off into something completely different. I’ll get pictures of this when we actually get to location #5.

IMG_4768Jamie sent me a picture of Callie’s first day of school as a Junior. How can this be???

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the sights and sounds of a z crew Christmas

IMG_3313Taylor and I attended Brook and Jillian’s Christmas program at their church last Sunday. They did such a great job!! I was so proud of them.

It’s beginning to look – and feel – a little more like Christmas around here. FINALLY! I’ve struggled with the Christmas spirit this year. Normally, Christmas is my favorite time of year. I’ve thought and thought about why it was different this year and have finally put a finger on what it is that has been bothering me. This may not be anything new to you but it’s taken me this long to finally let it get me down…commercialism of Christmas.

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more than just addresses

I reached for my address book this afternoon and thought, “You know, I should share this with my friends”. I wish I knew what year I started filling this with family and friend’s addresses. If I were to guess, I would say 25 years ago. This little book is full of  history!

IMG_3237Last year, while at the NAFB convention, John Deere was handing out green duct tape. I thought it added some nice color to a book that was needing a little TLC.

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use moisturizer every day…and don’t forget your neck

IMG_3206The view from my window today on a dreary, wet Autumn day.

The last month has yielded a few new experiences for me. One of them being asked to participate in the Housewives of Rural America blog which ultimately landed me on the “Freshly Pressed” page of (an exciting moment!). Being involved with this awesome group of gals has also brought back memories of who I was 30 some years ago. You see, I view myself as the “older, wiser woman” in this group. I’m not so sure that I like the hard reality that I’m not as young as my mind has me believing that I am. Jim’s dad once said something  that I now understand a whole lot better, “Sometimes I have to stop and remember that I am 80 years old”. I can honestly say, I understand! My mind wants to trick me into thinking that I’m this 30-year-old person rather than nearly 52. Does this make sense? I honestly don’t feel as old as I am (until there’s a little pain here or there).

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meeting a love story face to face

1237066_10100299663010020_1663191947_nWe had visitors in Jordan the other day. Before our “chance” visit, I knew Jenny (aka @jenlynndewey) and Mark (aka @sunflowerfarmer) only through social media…Twitter, Facebook and Jenny’s blog,  Who would have guessed my simple question, “Coming through Jordan?” on a Facebook status would result in meeting a love story face to face?

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#2 Post of 2012 highlights “Small Town” Caring!

When I started looking for this post, I could have swore Marcy’s fundraiser was this past fall. Silly me…the time goes way too fast! It was held in March. I was overwhelmed by the number of views this post received – but not really. Living in small town USA and being fortunate enough to experience neighborly caring has been something I will NEVER regret. You can keep the big city life and all that goes with it! As for me…my heart’s in the country and small town living. Read “When Community Comes Together” and you’ll understand where I’m coming from.  On a side note, Marcy is doing VERY well! Surgeries have revealed the cancer is gone and she’s going to continue living life to the fullest! PRAISE GOD! It’s New Year’s Eve. Our plans are to be home (babysitting my two favorite little girls) where it’s warm and safe. 🙂 For all of you who are heading out to bring in 2013 with a bang…BE CAREFUL! We’ve already seen what a “small” wreck can do to a person’s way of thinking. Have fun and here’s to 2013! New trials, new roads to travel, new fields to enter and new memories to create!

Thankful Thursday: Ultrasounds

486297_10151334441001147_309829748_nBaby Hermesch – making his/her appearance sometime around April 1, 2013. Can’t wait!