My goodness – it’s been a LONG time since I posted on here. The days have just flown by due to the busyness of this time of year. This is EXACTLY the reason I hate fall harvest! Too many irons in the fire and not enough day to get it all accomplished. Unlike wheat harvest and there’s ONE thing we have to focus on.
For those of you who know me, this won’t come as a surprise to you when I try to explain my feelings regarding this subject. For those of you who don’t know me, this may help you understand me a little better. I’m a little weird with getting rid of or doing something different from what I’m used to or comfortable with. Yesterday, I watched my trailer house leave the yard behind someone else’s pickup and I felt sad. I truly felt like I was saying goodbye to a friend – one that I had gotten comfortable with and had become a part of the family.
You may remember in a previous posting while we were in Montana that I said I had put the trailer up for sale online – last year. The only people I heard from were other selling sites wanting me to advertise with them because their site was the one that would take it off my hands. When I answered the phone late last week, and the voice on the other end asked if the trailer was still for sale, I answered with my cautious question of, “is this a private individual or someone wanting me to advertise on your site”? When the woman’s voice answered that it was a private buyer, I sort of had mixed feelings – excitement that someone was interested and also deep down hoping that it wasn’t what she was looking for. Well, the longer we chatted, the more excited she became because she had a young family and was anxious to move into something that would fit their growing family and their way-of-life. Their job required them to live in a trailer year round.
I had sold a trailer through this website before only it didn’t happen nearly as fast as this one did. Before I knew it, on Thursday I was told this lovely family was coming to Manley to look at the trailer with intentions of buying. They’d be here Saturday (today). The trailer was full of our “stuff”. This meant I was going to have to box everything up and Taylor was going to have to get her belongings out. (Taylor’s in the process of painting her room so everything she owned was being stored temporarily in the trailer house.)
I had been cleaning off the flower gardens but guessed I should change course and start emptying the trailer – just in case they liked it well enough to buy it. I had two full days to get the job done. My mom called Thursday morning and volunteered to come help me. Thank goodness she did! As we were emptying, I received a phone call that plans had changed and this lovely family was leaving southern Oklahoma yet that night and would be here Friday afternoon. My life has been at a full run since we got home so I thought I HAVE got to get this job done today (Thursday) because Friday was full. Mom and I emptied and started cleaning knowing that I was going to have to leave at 2:30 to drive the school bus for a sports activity. Yikes! I got home about 9:00 and immediately went out to the trailer and worked until 2:30 a.m. Needless to say, when I came in from the trailer I felt satisfied that it would be in good enough shape to send with them – should they decide to buy.
Yesterday (Friday) went on as it had to – with no breathing room to spare! The lovely family from southern Oklahoma showed up about 3:30 and decided at 5:30 they were going to take my little cottage on wheels home with them. It was so much fun to watch the two little girls go through it and whisper back and forth to each other about where their stuff was going to go. The oldest of the three was a boy of 13 and he was going to have a room of his own for the first time. They were all smiling from ear to ear. I knew my “friend” was going home with the RIGHT family! I honestly believe the circumstances that led up to them driving out of the driveway with it was a God thing! Had to be. Not only did it go home with the RIGHT family, I feel like I’ve got new friends that I will definitely stay in contact with! I’m still feeling the ache of missing it, though, when I look out the door and it’s gone. On the plus side…I get to look for a new friend!

Today (Saturday), started very early this a.m. I drove the bus to the school about 5:45 a.m. to pick up half of the band and head to Grand Island for
the Harvest of Harmony parade. I learned today this is the 3rd largest parade in the nation featuring marching bands – the Macy’s parade and the Rose Bowl parade lead the way. It’s also the largest parade featuring marching bands in the state of Nebraska. This year marks their 70th year.Taylor is one of six girls on the flagline. Unfortunately when I’m bus driver, I don’t get to watch the parade or the band but I get to hang out with the kids. We bus drivers stay in or very close to the bus at all times until the band has been picked up at the end of the parade. Harvest of Harmony organizers have got this process down to a “T”! They are a well oiled machine when it comes to keeping over 100 bands and their busses in order! The band placed 4 out of 30 Class C bands. They were disappointed because last year they walked away with the top trophy. However, not many bands can say they have placed in the top 4 bands for the past six years. I’m proud of the Elmwood/Murdock marching band!! They are a great bunch of kids being led by a WONDERFUL band director!
Two weeks from tonight, we will be celebrating Curt and Jamie’s marriage with a long-awaited wedding reception. They were married in Florida on April 1 and decided it would be best to wait until after the summer wheat harvest to celebrate. It’ll sure be good to see so many family and friends all together in one place! I know Jamie will be glad, once again, when the planning is complete and the party is a success. For those of you coming, I can’t wait to see you!

The band marching towards the bus – from my point of view.
Looks like they’re being told what to do next.
The flagline. Taylor is on the far left.

Nice job, Tate!

The Elmwood/Murdock marching band. You’re ALL winners in my book!
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