Life happens and updating this blog gets pushed aside. So very close and yet still far enough away from the end of the year (2020). I am determined, though, to get this caught up before we head south again.
Yes, that time is rolling around way too fast. It appears the cool and wet weather has set the date back. The harvesters in Texas as STILL waiting to get rolling. Once the sun pops out and the wet stuff stops falling from the sky, I’m certain the combines will, once again, be going round and round – if they still do that. Thanks to GPS, it seems the round and round has been turned into back and forth, back and forth.
When September rolled around, we were done with cutting wheat. Remember…the last day of wheat harvest for us was on August 26th. Our typical routine after we finish in Montana is to take our time in cleaning everything up really well. The push to get to the next job is over and a better, more thorough job is possible and usually needed.
The trip back home is nearly 1,000 miles. And the Pete makes the trip four times. So, truck maintenance is also a must. By the time we finish what we do, it’s usually 10 days to two weeks past the final day of cutting before we make our way home with the first load.
Jamie and Curt are still here. They won’t actually leave until September 9. So, between doing what we have to do, we also tried to do some fun things with them while we were all together. Video, “Day 96”, gives a highlight of our time with the kids while they were in Jordan with us.
September 2 was one of the craziest days of the summer – and maybe one of the craziest of our lives.
The Jordan area was dry…very dry. And the winds were supposed to be extremely bad on this particular day. The morning of September 2, however, was fairly quiet. A fire was started by a rancher’s hired man north of town. And then the winds picked up. And then a spark led to what became a huge wildfire threatening the town of Jordan. The Huff Fire video is still the #1 viewed video of the 2020 wheat harvest with nearly 52,000 views.
We left Jordan with the first load headed home, home on September 10. (Video, “Day 99”)
In the following days, we arrived home (on September 12) and turned right around and headed back north again. We arrived back to Jordan on September 14. We spent the next day loading the combine and tying up some loose ends. On September 16, we left Jordan for the final time for the 2020 wheat harvest. This is NEVER easy to do. Never.
We arrived back home on September 18 and decided to park the trailer house at the Fairgrounds just until we could get back to “normal” again.
The videos to watch for the roadtrip home and final days of harvest are: Day 100, Day 101, Day 102, Day 103, Day 104, Day 105, Day 106, Day 107/Final Day of our Journey End of Journey Narrative, Trying to Find the Normal and It’s Empty!
What’s next? Fall harvest!