social distancing? self-isolation? not so much

Our fourteen day quarantine is now going on 70+ days. Seventy some days ago, our lives changed. Although I don’t want to add the word “forever”, I’m afraid that’s what has happened.

I’m certain I’m not the only one who just gets ANGRY when you allow your brain to think about what we had and what we have to look forward to. I just don’t understand how we’ve allowed this virus to change every aspect of our lives. I just don’t.

Not much has changed in our world. We don’t spend much time in the city anyways – except church, groceries and other needed items. I’ve always been one to purchase enough groceries to get us through a week or two so I didn’t have to try to invent the wheel.

We, as a family, have been back and forth with the social distancing. When this “thing” was brand new, we attempted to keep our distance. And then we decided this was just stupid.

Here’s my thoughts as far as this “deadly” virus goes and how it pertains to me. I really don’t care if I get it or not. If I get it, I get it. If I get it and die…so be it. I’m going to die one day anyways. However, I don’t want to live my life in such a way that I seclude myself from my kids and grandkids. They wanted to “protect” us at the beginning and Jim and I put the kabosh on that! I cannot live my life to the fullest and be scared of dying. Period.

So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Fear. One of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us. Worry, anxiety, fear…can overwhelm us with a thick shadow of darkness, controlling our every move and decision.

I’m not going to let this virus change the way I live.

We’re currently getting ready to head south for the 2020 wheat harvest. Jim said his goal is to be ready to leave on June 1. However, I’ve been married to him long enough to know that when he sets a date, it will change (about four times). So, I’m going to guess we’ll be heading south with the final load about June 8th.

We have an opportunity to start a little farther south this year than we have in the past – thanks to some great harvest friends! If all goes as planned, our first job of the season will be around Medicine Lodge, Kansas. Funny…this is the same area my grandparents would have gone to so many years ago. It’ll be fun to be back in the same area which I would have been in the very first time I went on harvest in 1974.

I have a feeling things could look/be a whole lot more interesting on the road due to the guidelines set in place. I am so thankful I don’t have a crew of about 15 men to try to figure out how I’m going to feed when the stores have so many limitations in place. The job NEEDS to be done – harvest waits for no one.

While we’re still hanging out here at home, I’ll keep doing what life at home looks like. That would be hanging out with the kids and grandkids as much as I can. Watching my flowers grow. And sew.

Until next time…

Baby Wayne at 3 months (February)
Four months old (March)
Five months (April)
April 5 – eating out takes on a whole new dynamic with Jimbo.
Time for the quarantine haircuts!
The kids came and spent the night with us. The next day was nearly hot but we had fun on a hike along the railroad tracks and climbing the “hills”.
Eli wanted a mohawk for his birthday.
While the weather was so great the first part of April, we decided to take the kids on a hike at the Platte River State Park. It was such a beautiful day to be out and about and letting the kids run!
Happy 63rd birthday, Jim (aka Papa)!
And the very next day, we celebrated Eli’s 7th birthday. He designed his own birthday shirt – and did a pretty darn good job at it!
The afternoon was filled with a Zoom gathering with his classmates and then constant drive-by birthday wishes from friends.
Nora said to me, “this is me”.
I made this dress for Layne’s first Easter dress. Too bad we couldn’t celebrate the day.
April 16
One of the days Layne and Taylor came over to hang out with me.
It happens. The fine line of playing and getting hurt was crossed. Ben hit his head on the frame of the couch and popped it open. A quick trip to the emergicare and some glue fixed him right up. And, it’s healed nicely!!
Happy birthday, Jenna!! Later this day, we all gathered at Jamie’s house and surprised her with a birthday supper of pizza and gifts. It was the first time we were ALL together!
Picture credit goes to Taylor (Taylor Josoff Photography)
Callie and her roommates had their own college graduation ceremony in front of their house.
May 8. We celebrated Callie’s college graduation with a quickly planned gathering in Mark and Candi’s shed. Watched the TV for Callie’s name and had a nice evening together.
So proud of her!!! She worked so hard and did so well – 4.0 student. Sucks she couldn’t have enjoyed ending the past 4 years by walking across the stage and receiving her diploma.
Happy College Graduation, Callie!
Mother’s Day – from a distance.
It was so good having them all around the table together – like old times. Happy Mother’s Day to me!!
The day ended with supper at Imperial Palace – DINING IN!
The colors of summer.
Like this bow? Check out more of these at my “store” on Etsy.
Maureen stopped by to dig up a few baby buckeye trees. She dug up the tree I have and brought it to me on Mother’s Day 1998. Now, she’s coming back to dig up babies to transplant in her new yard.
The sunshine was so bright.
While Taylor got her hair cut, Baby Wayne and I hung out in the van together.
The rose-o-meter got a drastic cut back last fall. It may not have a single bloom on it this year. In the past, this had been the indicator of when we should be heading south. This would bloom just as we were usually pulling out of the driveway – back when the summer harvest used to be the same year after year. It hasn’t been that way for about the last 10 years.
Helping Jim change out the concaves. My job was to run the winch while he manhandled the concaves in and out of the belly of the beast.
Our “shed”.
My traveling garden. The plants were given to me by the girls on Mother’s Day.
Three generations of hands.