It’s been 11 days since the girls left. Seems like a lot longer than that! And…a lot has happened since that day.
We had rain the day before they left. Not much but enough to stop us. I spent the day on Wednesday (the day they headed south) picking up what they left-towels, bedding, etc.- which all reminded me of them so I could move on and not cry every time I saw it. We were back to the field the next day and haven’t stopped until Friday night. And then it rained. THANK GOODNESS, it rained!
That would explain why I haven’t posted.
So, let’s backtrack a bit and I’ll see if I can get you caught up on our activities without making this too long.
We finished our second location on Friday (August 8) evening. The following pictures were taken before we left.
Seems me and the Beast have been doing quite a bit of this…sitting and waiting on a truck.